
Goals for Family on Standby in the Next 12 Months:

  • 100,000 monthly sessions
  • 60 articles posted
  • 12 guest articles for other websites
  • 6 collaborative videos/podcasts
  • 24 videos posted
  • 500,000 YouTube views
  • 50,000 watch hours

How We’ll Get There

  • 60 articles posted
  • 12 guest articles for other websites
  • 6 collaborative videos/podcasts
  • 24 videos posted
  • Narrow our niche target audience
  • Lots of keyword research
  • What do the analytics say?

Which Should Result In

  • $5k in YouTube ad rev
  • $15k in ad rev on website
  • $60k in Amazon affiliates
  • ??? in other affiliates
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