Infertility sucks a lot.
We’re here to help.
We’ve always been very public with our fertility struggles and the current political climate has really driven us to do something about ensuring access to fertility care. People need to know that their struggles are real and valid, but sometimes it’s hard to talk about taboo topics to friends.
We’ve experienced the ups and downs of trying to conceive, and since we’ve been so public… people reach out and ask to talk! So that’s what we do. We’re here to coach you through this process.
The Honest Truth About How Infertility Makes You Feel
Hey there. Let’s skip the flowery intro and get straight to it: infertility is a…
The Allure of Hustle Culture and Why It’s Toxic for Parents
There’s no gentle way to say it, so I’ll get straight to the point: hustle…
How to Live Authentically: A No-BS Guide to Being Real
This morning, I woke up, opened Instagram, and boom—there they were. Kids from my child’s…
How to Surround Yourself with the Right People (It’s More Simple Than You Think)
You know how your kid is like a sponge? It’s 5 AM, and you haven’t…
Unhealthy Work Boundaries: How to Find Balance as a Parent Without Losing Your Mind
It feels like we’re all sold the same dream as we grow up–climb the corporate…
How to Stop Being a People Pleaser at Work (Without Losing Your Mind)
For so long, I thought the key to climbing the corporate ladder was saying “yes”…
We’re Brittany and Nick
We did everything the “right” way. We got married a few years out of college. Waited a couple years to start trying for kids because like, it would suck if it happened too quickly. Ha. We bought a house with enough bedrooms. So many guest rooms, right?
Yada, yada, yada…
All told: 6 IUIs, 2 retrievals, 7 FETs, a miscarriage, an HSG, a surgery, a billion shots. Thousands of dollars. Endless calls to doctors and insurance.

How can we help?
First of all, we’re not doctors. We have no medical training whatsoever. We’re also not therapists. We’ve simply been where you are and we learned a ton along the way. Nick did work for a fertility clinic in marketing and data, but… all that means is we’re really passionate about this topic. We’re also not eternally optimistic nor are we pedaling positivity and silver linings. In fact, quite the opposite. You’ll never catch us saying stupid shit like “just relax” or “it’s all part of the plan.” Promise.
This is hard. You can do it.
We can walk you through the emotions, the insurance, the overall process, and all the in-between bits. The things no one tells a patient to expect. The funny shit. The icky shit. The maddening shit.
If you are looking for someone to talk this overwhelming process through, let us know! We’re here for it.